Contact Us
Shimamura Lab
Akiko Shimamura, MD, PhD
Boston Childdren’s Hospital
1 Blackfan Circle, Karp 8210
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: 617-919-6109
Lab Phone: 617-919-6932
Email: Akiko.Shimamura@childrens.harvard.edu
Administrative associate
Porscha Wells
Phone: 617-919-6109
Email: Porscha.Wells@childrens.harvard.edu
Clinical inquiries
BMF/MDS Clinic Phone: 1-888-733-4662 (option 5)
BMF/MDS Clinic Email: pedi_bmf@dfci.harvard.edu
Join our team
We believe research is the best way to find better treatments for children diagnosed with bone marrow failure conditions. The Shimamura Lab is based at Boston Children’s Hospital and has affiliations with Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School. We collaborate closely with many researchers across these institutions.
We’re interested in talented and motivated individuals to join our group. Please send your curriculum vitae and three letters of reference to Dr. Akiko Shimamura.